The workshop I conducted at the Laity Lodge retreat centered around the Arma Christi or Instruments of the passion. The idea is a traditional one with many expressions in art, some 2 dimensional and some 3 dimensional. The painting is made up of objects mentioned in the passion narratives. The painting becomes a shorthand way of contemplating the events of Jesus institution of the last supper, his trial and crucifixion.
During the work shop I also tried to get the participants to think about how the various symbols might interesect with their own lives. As a jumping off point I talked about Gal. 2: 20 - I have been crucified with Christ... So each symbol might mean something personal to them, some way in which they had participated with Jesus in his crucifixion. As always, when you give ten people an assignment you get ten very different results. The folks really seemed to get interested in the project, worked very hard and came up with some very unique results. I was very pleased with the results.